Members who have door codes can now see them on their Breeze profiles under “Building Access.”
For questions about access codes, contact Lea.
Members who have door codes can now see them on their Breeze profiles under “Building Access.”
For questions about access codes, contact Lea.
Part of living your best life is having the mobility and flexibility to do things you need, want and love to do. Winston Well-Being is partnering with the Shepherd’s Center and The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston Salem to offer this engaging series of training classes on mobility and flexibility. These sessions will improve your agility, balance and strength – whatever your current level of fitness might be. We will learn innovative and safe ways to stretch our bodies. Then we can enjoy the improved range of motion, circulation and mobility that regular stretching provides. We will also learn strategies to prevent falls and move safely. These classes are open to anyone interested in improving their physical well-being. Best of all it’s fun!
Classes will be held at The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston Salem Wednesday afternoons 1:30-2:30 PM starting on Wednesday, November 1. If the weather is nice, the classes will be held outside. If not, we will meet in the Emerson/Thoreau rooms.
Please contact Michael Fitzpatrick with Winston Well-Being (336) 995-6910 or with your questions or for more information.
It’s been an exciting year! There’s a new energy at the Fellowship and many new faces on Sunday mornings. The Membership Team invites you to extend a warm Fellowship Welcome to each other, and especially to visitors and newcomers.
Here are some tips for being Radically Welcoming:
Questions? Email the Membership Team at or reach out to Caron Armstrong at
The Garden Council of Winston Salem has granted us $300 to buy flowering native plants to beautify the front walkway area. Next spring the flower brigade volunteers (who this year created the new flower beds around the back deck) will beautify our front walkway, thanks to the financial generosity of The Garden Council.
It is our pleasure to announce that Rae Elizabeth Taylor entered the world on Friday, June 2 at 12:45 pm. She is named after her grandmothers, Colleen Rae Taylor and Karen Elizabeth Parker. Both women are grounded in love, and lead their lives with caring and smarts. As Rae finds and carves her own way in the world, we hope these attributes of her grandmothers provide her with a solid foundation.
She is 7 lbs 8.6 ounces and a bit over 21 inches, as they couldn’t get her full height because she wouldn’t straighten her legs! Rae continues to vocalize her needs, and do just what she wants – and we love this about her already. Of course we think she is perfect and are completely smitten. We think she is with us too. After being born she yelled loudly as she cleaned out her airways, had a remarkably tight grip around Dan’s finger, and was comforted by Kayla singing a family song to her.
Even before arriving on this side, Rae Elizabeth showed the independence and head-strong nature she comes by honestly through her parents by flipping and remaining in a breech position through the final month of pregnancy. She therefore came into this world through a planned c-section, and is able to share a birthday with her maternal grandmother, Karen Elizabeth..
Both us parents are exhausted and elated, and our whole family will stay at the hospital for several days of routine monitoring that follows a c-section. We have felt and so appreciate the love, support and celebration we know you all are sending. Thank you. It has grounded and buoyed us, and we trust it will do the same for our sweet baby Rae as well.
With Love,
Rev. Kayla & Dan
Thank you to everyone who made the First Annual Fellowship Variety Show a spectacular success! I am proud to announce that we will do this again next May! I am so proud to be part of this Fellowship because you never have to do something like this totally by yourself. There was so much support and enthusiasm that I just can’t take all the credit. Again, thank you for your support and we’re looking for new acts next year!
Variety Show Organizer
Whether it has a magnet, a pin, or stickiness on the back….it’s TIME to wear your name tag!
Dig to the bottom of your car console and check your backpacks. If you REALLY can’t find your name tag, be sure to make one and wear it for the next 2 Sundays (and weekday events) while Rev. Kayla Parker is here. For that matter…why not wear it at all Fellowship events all the time!?
*Parents, please encourage children to wear name tags, too, if your family is comfortable with them wearing one.
(Note: All spots are full!)
Did you know that we have six flower beds behind our building that are devoted to pollinator-attractive native plants? These beds need some TLC. Please adopt one of these and Master Gardener Kathy Johnson will coach you on their care and possible enhancements. Janet Loew has kicked things off, with adoption of one bed. Thank you Janet! Contact Kathy Johnson at if you are willing to adopt one.
In honor of Earth Month, our service on April 2nd included a slideshow of photos collected from many of our members and friends that depict nature’s beauty. The subject could […]
A massive oak has fallen into the field near the clothes closet. Grounds Team Leaders, Sue and Rich, are preparing to remove the fallen tree and several others that have lived their full lives.
As a precaution, part of the Fellowship parking lot has been cordoned off until the trees are removed. Please do not drive or walk in that part of the parking lot until the barricade is removed. Questions? Email Rich and Sue at
The driveway to the Clothes Closet is also roped off. The Clothes Closet will not be open on March 11. Please do not drive or walk near the Clothes Closet.Please hold ALL donations including the lobby donations. Questions? Email Kathy and Bob at
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem
4055 Robinhood Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Email us