September Theme: Entering Together


Questions for Contemplation & Conversation:

  • What are you excited about for this year here at UUFWS, and in general?
  • How do you want to be a part of this good stuff?
  • What are you feeling worried or weighed down by? What could help ease that?

September 15: Our UU House

This past Sunday, we set the foundation for our year together. Which will be about defining our theological house, our structure of belief, so that we are empowered to be in real relationship and community with one another. And so that we can powerfully speak of and act from our beliefs out in the world, that is so in need of Love.

To learn more about a source for this theme, you can check out the book A House for Hope – and stay tuned for a book group based on this book soon!

September 8: Water Communion & Homecoming

We celebrated our joining back together and the start of the program year with our Annual Water Communion & Homecoming, followed by a joyous and bountiful potluck. We followed the story and movement of water droplets as they searched for “home” and became stream, river, stream again and then reunited with the sea. Thanks to the preparation and support of the Choir and our Music Director Mignon Dobbins, we sang “Oh River” by Mamuse, and heard “Riversong” by Andy Beck. Some of us became the water droplets and moved joyously around the room, and many of us added our water to the collective and growing “UU (w)holy water”.  Many of us received little spritzer bottles that contained drops of past year’s (w)holy water, which can be used when we need a moment to breathe, a bit extra courage, or a reminder of the presence of this Fellowship.

If you did not receive but would like water and are able to drop by the Fellowship to pick a spritzer bottle up, you are welcome to do so. If you cannot get here, and are connected to someone on our Lay Ministry or Care teams, they can bring you one. If you’re not yet connected but would like to be, you can reach out to them at or

Fall is gradually making its way up The Mountain, and if you have never experienced the grandeur of the season here, we invite you to join us for the amazing explosion of color. Book a personal retreat and come see for yourself!

It’s also the season for our YouthCONs! We have lots of fun and adventures planned so let the youth in your congregation know all about it.

A message from our Nominating Committee:

Hi Ambassadors.

I’m on The Mountain Nominating Committee and we are seeking people for our Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee, and Endowment Board. We need your help identifying people who you think are capable of serving on these boards. We’d like the chance to open up conversations with potential candidates who could fill this need, now or later. Have them contact me, or if they say ok to a call/email, let me know their contact info. To learn more about The Mountain governance, please visit:

With appreciation.

Robert E. Smith, Nominating Committee Chair.

Looking for a great item for your congregation’s auction?

We’ve got a $600 gift certificate from The Mountain for your congregation! It’s a great way to raise funds and the certificate can be used towards personal retreats, registering for any of our amazing and insightful programs, and even MountainCamp!

To learn more, email


Here are the newsletter items for this month:

Fall YouthCONs

Youth CONferences are fun and entertaining weekend gatherings of Unitarian Universalist youth who attend as a part of a congregational sponsored group. CONs are planned by youth for youth and are supervised by Peer Advocate Leaders (PALs) and advisors. Each CON provides opportunities for youth leadership and empowerment through building community, connecting with friends, and engaging in personal reflection and spiritual growth. Participants stay in our cozy cabins and eat together in our Dining Hall, which prepares delicious meals suited to individual dietary needs.

Elementary CON (3rd to 5th grade) – October 18-20
Intermediate CON (6th to 8th grade) – November 1-3
Senior High CON (9th to 12th grade) – December 13-15

Learn more and register at:


Fall PAL Planning Weekend – September 20-22
Join Peer Advocate Leaders (PALs) and Mentors (Age 16 & up) for an amazing youth leadership experience as we gather to plan our upcoming Youth CONs. The focus of this weekend is to build a program for all ages that is aligned with our Unitarian Universalist values as a supplement to congregational Religious Education programs. Space is limited to 25 registrants for the weekend and please register only if you plan on attending one or more of the Youth Conferences during the season.

Learn more and register at:


Grateful Gathering – November 27 – December 1

Join us this Thanksgiving for a weekend of acknowledging and celebrating the gratitude in our lives. Even through challenging times, there is much to be grateful for ­– be it friendships, family, community, opportunities for expanding our minds, and all the wonderful and inspiring things in our lives. The weekend program includes engaging workshops, entertainment, hiking through the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains, connecting with old and new friends, worship service, and outdoor adventures. This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to share time together, and no one has to cook or clean up after the holiday feast!

Learn more and register at:


Join our team!

If you, or someone you know, is interested in a unique opportunity to work in an organization striving to make a positive difference in our world, then The Mountain may be the perfect fit!

  • Food Service Worker: We are hiring for all skill sets so come learn in the kitchen and serve good, delicious and healthy food to our guests!
  • Housekeeping: Work with housekeeping staff to clean and resupply guest rooms, meeting spaces and public areas in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Advancement Director: This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing all aspects of fundraising including major gifts, annual fund, planned giving, special events and Capital Campaign.

Check our current job board for these positions and more

We asked Fellowship group and team leaders what they need to make this trial successful and now we need your help!

Here is what you can do: 

  1. Look over the signup form and see what groups need additional help during the Two Sunday Services Trial.
  2. Sign up for any roles that appeal to you.
  3. A representative from that group will reach out to you about any training or screenings that may be required and to coordinate your specific volunteer dates.

Want to help, but don’t see an opportunity that fits the skills or talents you want to share with the Fellowship? At the bottom of the signup form, select “I want to help but don’t see a role that fits what I am looking for” and we will be in touch to see what you have in mind!

One of the ways that UUs can support Easton Elementary school is as reading tutors. Love Literacy is training volunteers to help work one-on-one with students to help improve their reading skills. Currently, only about half of WS/FCS third graders are reading at grade level.

We have a number of UUFWS members who are currently Love Literacy tutors and who know how rewarding and important this work is and how beneficial it is for students who struggle with reading. Some of the current Love Literacy tutors you may know are Geraldine Zurek, Nancy Pajewski, Deb Strube, Bob Day and Kathy Johnson. Please contact one of them If you would like to learn more about the tutoring experience, or contact

The next Love Literacy training will take place on October 1st and October 2nd from 9-3:30 each day. Learn more HERE and register for this training!

It’s almost Halloween! The UU Youth Team will host Trunks and Treats this year on Thursday, October 24th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Decorate your trunk and prepare to give out peanut-free candies and treats to our costumed little (and not so little) ones in the gravel lot beside the Fellowship Hall. Plan to arrive at 5:30 to get a participating parking space.

All are welcome! If you don’t want to pass out treats, feel free to park in the rest of the parking lot and Trick or Treat with us anyway. We’ll provide pizza, drinks, and chips. See you there!

Questions? Contact the UU Youth Team.

Crisis Control Ministry, is an organization that provides basic life needs to those facing a crisis in Forsyth and Stokes counties.

Look for our collection bin in the Foyer marked “Crisis Control.” – items in the basket will be delivered by our team of volunteers monthly or more often as needed.

September’s gift of the month is Instant Grits and Oatmeal, AND they would also appreciate donations of any of the items listed under other months.

Questions? Contact

We are excited to share that, thanks to your input, we’ll be trying out 2 Sunday morning services from October – January of this congregational year.

We are so grateful to all of you who provided feedback in so many ways. It informed us to go ahead with this idea, and also how to adapt and change preliminary plans to better meet the needs of our community. Whether you are one of the 125 who answered a survey, attended the 2 Services Town Hall in June, or contacted the worship team or staff about feedback, thank you. As we implement and then assess in the winter, we’ll be seeking your input again.

Here’s what 2 services from October – January will look like:

  • 9:00 am & 11:00 am Worship Services
    • Services will be about the same
    • 11:00 am multiplatform worship/Zoom available
    • 9:00 am in-person only
  • Religious Education
    • 9:00 am multi-age & activity-based
    • 11:00 am classes by age & stage
    • 8:50 am – 12:10 pm Nursery
  • 9:30 am Adult Forum – the Forum has been wanting to begin later; this change has been an opportunity to push back their start time.
  • 10:00 am Coffee Hour for all, in between Worship Services

Commonly Asked Questions:

Do we need more volunteers?
Yes! We have been working with Fellowship leadership to determine what each team/group needs to make 2 Sunday services happen. Click here to see where help is needed.

Why one coffee hour?
One of the largest concerns we heard in a move to two services is not enough spaces and opportunities for folks to be together. Teams within Congregational Life and Worship will be supporting this space becoming a place for getting-to-know you or deepening conversations, by providing questions to support and spur conversation.

What about parking?
Yes, having one coffee hour could crowd our parking lot. We’d love for more folks to start attending this new coffee hour, and to have to say, “what a great problem to have” and attend to this parking issue.

What about the choir?
Occasionally, it might be important for the choir to sing at both services, and we’ll find a graceful way for them to exit in the 2nd service so they’re not sitting through the same sermon twice! Other times, a smaller vocal group might offer the selected piece at one service, while the choir sings it at the other.

What about evening services?
We’re working on having 4 season “soulful sundown” services this year as well, where we can experiment more with worship style, and have more culturally-and theologically-specific worship opportunities!

Your Ministry & Staff Team,

Rev. Kayla Parker, Minister
Pam Lepley, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Caron Armstrong, Director of Congregational Life
Mignon Dobbins, Music Director
Lea Lagesse, Congregational Administrator
Libbie Mayr, Communications Specialist

Strap on your walking shoes, ladies! On September 16 at 5:00 pm, we’re optimistically starting back our weekly walking on Mondays, since the temps have been slightly cooler. Anyone who identifies as a woman is welcome to join us for a walk (at a comfortable pace) through the woods at Reynolda Gardens. We’ll leave promptly at 5:00!

You can view the schedule here!

Questions? Email Susan.