We Are Stronger Together

Fellowship mini-Capital Campaign

Stronger Together

Earlier this year, the UUFWS Board appointed a Building Improvement Task Force (or BIT*) to develop a list of needed replacements, repairs, and maintenance for our fellowship and grounds. Funding for these items are not in our budget but we need to address these important building and property needs to create a healthy fiscal condition going forward. The items listed below total about $200,000. Funding for creating a building and property reserve fund is included in the list. Such reserve funds are critically needed to safeguard staff and program funding in future years.

  • Replace HVAC in office and RE
  • Extensive insulation
  • Hot water tank for RE
  • Three external RE doors
  • Kitchen refrigerator
  • Kitchen range and double ovens
  • Carpeting (foyer and RE wing)
  • Tile (kitchen/bathrooms/RE)
  • Playground gravel, mulch, and equipment repairs
  • Demolition of house on Clothes Closet lot (previously approved)
  • Removal of dead and dying trees
  • Seal and repaint paved parking area
  • Replenish gravel for gravel parking lot
  • Additional gravel for Clothes Closet lot

We are confident the goal we have created is realistic. However, to be successful in reaching the goal, everyone’s participation in this mini-Capital Campaign is needed. So, if you are able, please join with other Fellowship members and friends to help get our building and grounds ready for our return to on-site services and activities. See below for giving options. Any amount, of whatever size, helps and is deeply appreciated. Contact me at minister@uufws.org with questions and concerns.

Thanks for your support,
Reverend Ed Brock

* BIT members: Megan Foster (chair), Sue Freeman, Lucy Kaplan, Josh Loew, Julie Palm, Tom Ricono, and Herman Schmid.