Transgender Inclusion in Congregations – Workshop 1

Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Library, Emerson/Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, and John Murray Rooms 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

Sessions 1 and 2 are designed to ground us in this work, theologically, spiritually, and historically, and help us explore why we are called as people of faith to dismantle gender-based oppression—as well as exploring how each and every one of us are impacted by it and practices that can help us stay present.

Each of the three workshops will conclude with dinner and discussion. Limited to 16 participants. Childcare will be available. Signup coming soon!

Transgender Inclusion in Congregations – Workshop 2

Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Library, Emerson/Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, and John Murray Rooms 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

Sessions 3 and 4 explore gender diversity and the lived experiences of trans people—including the ways that race, class, and other factors influence those experiences—along with trans spirituality.

Each of the three workshops will conclude with dinner and discussion. Limited to 16 participants. Childcare will be available. Signup coming soon!

Transgender Inclusion in Congregations – Workshop 3

Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Library, Emerson/Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, and John Murray Rooms 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

Sessions 5 and 6 are all about culture and how to transform it. Expanding the circle of inclusion within a congregation or faith group requires understanding the unique culture of that group, along with how that culture works to include or exclude.

Each of the three workshops will conclude with dinner and discussion. Limited to 16 participants. Childcare will be available. Signup coming soon!