Articulating Your UU Faith
What do you believe? What do Unitarian Universalists believe?
What does it meant to be a covenantal faith tradition?
What does is mean to be a living tradition?
In this workshop series we will explore our personal beliefs together in an open and supportive community. We will learn together some of the history of our living tradition, explore the evolution of our principles and covenant, and ponder the wondrous intersections of the varied personal spiritual beliefs of Unitarian Universalists and the covenantal faith tradition of Unitarian Universalism. We will offer a breadth of information regarding history and take a little deeper dive into the principles of Unitarian Universalism including their evolution and where we are in the current process of revisions. At the conclusion of the series, participants should feel confident in answering the questions: “What is Unitarian Universalism?” and “What do you/Unitarian Universalists believe?”
There will be pre-reading for each session. Please sign up in advance by emailing Pam Lepley at so that you can receive the link to a Google Document with the pre-reading assignments as well as the Zoom link if needed. If you do not have access to Google Documents please request a printed copy from Pam when you sign up.
You may participate via Zoom or in-person. The five sessions will be: May 25, June 1, June 8, June 15 and June 29.