What Do We Care Most About? Join a Listening Group to Share Our Experiences and Concerns
Like the 30+ other institutions that participate with the Forsyth IAF broad-based organization, we are holding “Listening Sessions” to identify and prioritize local community problems impacting our families and neighbors.
Listening sessions help us to determine where there is enough energy in the collective to act together and have an impact.
Our goal is to hear from 100 individuals at UUFWS, so we hope you will join us at one of our scheduled sessions on July 14, July 24, or July 28. In our sessions, we will break into small groups with a facilitator and note taker, to hear each other’s stories and listen for the problems and pressures that prevent us from achieving social, racial and economic justice.
We’d like you to add your voice as we share our struggles and hopes for our community and hear those of our neighbors. All of you have important stories to share that can guide us in creating a better community. We want to hear personal stories about experiences that lead you to call for a change in our LOCAL community. Can we count on you to be there?
Questions? Contact iaf@uufws.org
The Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) is the oldest and largest network of broad-based, multi-racial organizations with chapters across the U.S. and other countries.