The Baby Has Arrived
It is our pleasure to announce that Rae Elizabeth Taylor entered the world on Friday, June 2 at 12:45 pm. She is named after her grandmothers, Colleen Rae Taylor and Karen Elizabeth Parker. Both women are grounded in love, and lead their lives with caring and smarts. As Rae finds and carves her own way in the world, we hope these attributes of her grandmothers provide her with a solid foundation.
She is 7 lbs 8.6 ounces and a bit over 21 inches, as they couldn’t get her full height because she wouldn’t straighten her legs! Rae continues to vocalize her needs, and do just what she wants – and we love this about her already. Of course we think she is perfect and are completely smitten. We think she is with us too. After being born she yelled loudly as she cleaned out her airways, had a remarkably tight grip around Dan’s finger, and was comforted by Kayla singing a family song to her.
Even before arriving on this side, Rae Elizabeth showed the independence and head-strong nature she comes by honestly through her parents by flipping and remaining in a breech position through the final month of pregnancy. She therefore came into this world through a planned c-section, and is able to share a birthday with her maternal grandmother, Karen Elizabeth..
Both us parents are exhausted and elated, and our whole family will stay at the hospital for several days of routine monitoring that follows a c-section. We have felt and so appreciate the love, support and celebration we know you all are sending. Thank you. It has grounded and buoyed us, and we trust it will do the same for our sweet baby Rae as well.
With Love,
Rev. Kayla & Dan