Tools for Setting Up Online Giving
Did you know that there are resources on the website to help you set up your monthly pledge payments?
Go the website and click the red Donate button. Then choose the first option in the drop-down, Donate Online Now:
Once you’re on the Donate Online Now tab, choose the account you need (ex.- your 2021 pledge, the Jan-June 2022 stub year pledge, or your new pledge for the July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023 period). Enter the amount you wish to set up as a recurring donation and indicate the frequency of the payment and when you’d like the payments to begin (e.g., $100, paid monthly, beginning 7/1/22). At the bottom of the screen, choose whether you wish to pay by credit/debit card or ACH bank transfer, and once you’ve made that choice enter the information requested. Hit the blue GIVE button, and you’re all set!
Questions? Reach out to Megan at or Liz McEntee at