Mosaic Conference

Advance registration required.

Registration is now open for the 2024 National Fall Conference of Mosaic: Fostering Belonging and Liberation!
Oct 18-20 – Bethesda, MD and Online

Folks can attend the full conference in-person or the main parts of the conference online.

Registration cost for attending online is $25 per individual OR $100 for a congregational team. If you would like to be part of the online viewing party, please:

  1. Email Pam for the registration link.
  2. Register before the Oct 11 deadline by choosing ‘congregation team member’ under the “this registration is for a/an:” question then select the ‘congregational watch party option’.
  3. Let Pam know that you have registered so she can coordinate with everyone.

Email Pam Lepley if you’d like more information or the registration link.

Mosaic is a hub of connection, resources, and support for Unitarian Universalists dismantling racism and oppression.