Adult Education and Faith Formation Programs
Religious Education (RE) is a lifelong process. Some of us find our answers to life’s most fundamental questions early, and our life experiences solidify and reinforce those beliefs. Others of us take a more winding path, searching for, evaluating, discarding and re-imagining those answers more than once during our journey. Wherever you are on your path, we strive to offer a variety of opportunities for all ages to stretch their minds and expand their knowledge.
The Forum – a Weekly Discussion Group
Sundays, 9:00 am – 10:15 am *
This discussion program is offered every Sunday. Topics include current events, books, travel, community action, careers and social issues. The presentation/discussion begins at 9:00 in the Library of our building. Gathering and informal conversation begins at 8:45am. On a typical morning, approximately 25-30 people gather in a multi-platform format for lively discussions. Guests and visitors are welcome. Just show up ready to think, listen and participate. Each week’s topics are listed on the home page and the calendar at this website.
* (Currently Offered In-Person and Online. Check the calendar. Click here to participate online —>
Small Group Ministry
Groups meet at different times and with varying frequency
Small gatherings of members and friends commit to meeting regularly to build community, practice shared ministry and nurture the spirit. Joining a small group is a great way to get to know others in depth, and to enhance your spiritual life. To learn more or to sign up, email
Pathways to Belonging, A Program for Newcomers
Pathways to Belonging is a class in which newcomers and prospective members can find out more about Unitarian Universalism and each other. Alongside other newcomers and in collaboration with Fellowship members, leaders and staff, these sessions are designed to provide you with an experience of Unitarian Universalism—not just information about it. To allow for authentic connection, class size is limited to 10 participants. CLICK HERE for more information.