Everything we do is Faith Formation. Everything we teach is Unitarian Universalism. The Congregation is the Curriculum. ~ Connie Goodbread
All children and youth must be registered for Religious Education in order to participate. Please CLICK HERE to register.
Please notice that our RE classes with age divisions have an intentional overlap with grade levels. We recognize that we all grow and develop at our own pace and each of us has both unique needs and unique gifts. If your child(ren) are ‘on the cusp’, please feel welcome to try out both classes to find the best fit. Reach out to the Director of Lifespan Religious Education if you want to discuss the specific needs of your child(ren) and family.
Sometimes parents prefer for their children to attend worship along with them. Sometimes youth prefer to attend worship rather than participate in the youth class.
Children, youth, and families are invited to participate in Fellowship life in the ways which are most fulfilling to them.
There is a welcoming space for children and families in the Window Alcove of the Fellowship Hall. A small table and chairs, infant mat, quieter toys and coloring supplies are in this area if you find that appealing. There are some Worship Enhancers in the back of the Fellowship Hall, against the wall on the right side as you enter the room. In this area you will find: child-sized noise reducing headphones in yellow bags; finger labyrinths in small canvas bags, and larger canvas bags with coloring supplies for children/youth/adults.
Families may find the following information helpful as you prepare for worship and your youth consider the different options for participating on Sunday mornings.
Sometimes parents or youth sing in the choir, serve as ushers or worship leaders, or fill another volunteer role. We support the different ways in which you or your youth choose to participate at the Fellowship on Sunday mornings. Please talk with Director of Congregational Life, Caron Armstrong or Director of Faith Formation, Pam Lepley, if you would like to discuss volunteer roles or program offerings.
Religious Education 2024-2025
Nursery: Infants – Younger 4 Years Old
(9:00am – noon)
Children ages four and under will meet in the Murray Room with nursery staff, Katherine and Alexandra. Nursery Staff have been vaccinated for Covid. Masks are optional at the Fellowship at this time.
At times when our Nursery Staff are off for holidays or sickness, parents and guardians are asked to serve as Caregivers during Sunday morning hours. Current schedules are posted on the classroom door.
Please dress children in weather appropriate play clothes and send necessary supplies such as diapers, a bottle or sippy cup, and a change of clothes. While the nursery age children will primarily be cared for indoors, staff may opt to go outside if weather permits.
Supervised Childcare: Pre-K (older 4 year olds) – 5th Grade
(9:00am – 10:45am)
Children ages four and over will meet in the Barton Room. Lead caregiver Zach will work with another caregiver to supervise children as they play indoors and/or outdoors, weather depending.
Parents of children older than 2nd Grade should transition their child(ren) to the Emerson-Thoreau Room for the Lego ValUUes class at 10:45am if they are remaining for Religious Education Classes during the 11:00am Worship.
Pre-K (4 years old)-2nd Grade: Chalice Children
(11:00am – noon)
Chalice Children delves deep into our Unitarian Universalist faith. It strives not just to teach about our faith, but also to provide experiences around the strength of community, the wonder and awe that transcend everyday understanding, and life issues we all share. Early childhood (the years between ages 2 and 5) is filled with curiosity and wonder. In a group setting, with loving adult guides, young children can engage in spiritual seeking, develop their openness to sharing, and experience the benefit of a supportive community. Their time in Chalice Children can set a pattern for the rest of their lives and bring lasting benefits.
2nd-6th Grade: Lego ValUUes
(11:00am – noon)
Children will learn about and explore UU values through story and play. Each class session begins with a brief time for free exploration of the room as families arrive and we prepare for our time together. Class begins with circle time (chalice lighting, joys and sorrows, a story and discussion) followed by a choice of activities that either carries through with the theme or allows for community building through play. This room is supplied with LEGOS, dominos, art materials, and activity boxes. Children are free to choose from the available activities as they are moved.
6th-12th Grade: Youth Group, Coming of Age, and Dungeons & Dragons
(9:00am – noon)
Coming of Age: Using the theological framework of the Soul Matters curriculum “Becoming”, youth will spend their year ‘coming of age’ using different lenses to explore some of the big questions of life. Lenses such as Unitarian Universalism (our principles, values, sources, and history), Pop Culture (music, movies, social norms), Life (direct experience of life and faith in action activities), and Beloved Others (peers, family and mentors) help us consider those questions from multiple angles while staying centered in who we are and where we come from.
Please email Pam Lepley, the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, at pam@uufws.org to request the schedule or inquire about volunteer opportunities.
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