Fall Family Gathering

Emerson & Thoreau Rooms, and Foyer 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

Attention families with kids of all ages! Please join us the afternoon of November 12, 2023, for a family social and pizza party in the Fellowship foyer. Pizza will be provided; please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Family Lunch

Emerson/Thoreau, playground

Families are invited to join us after the Sunday service for a pizza lunch and icebreakers. Please sign up by Friday, January 26 so we'll know how much pizza to order!

Multigenerational Family Forest Bathing

Kitchen, Foyer, Terrace and Playground 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

For our February multigenerational family social gathering, we are planning some activities for a nature excursion on the UU grounds following the Sunday service.

Self-Care Sunday

Emerson/Thoreau, Kitchen, John Murray Room, OUTSIDE Playground 4055 Robinhood Rd, Winston-Salem, NC

Are you a caregiver who could use a little care yourself?

Join the Family Activities Team for a little self-care after the Sunday service. Caregivers of all kinds (parents, sandwich generation, folks caring for parents, or others) are invited to participate.