Lunch for Sunnyside Freedom School
Come and help us prepare a lunch Tuesday evenings and/or serve the lunch Wednesdays for the students and teachers at the Sunnyside Freedom School June 25-July 25.
The Social Action Council (SAC) at the UUFWS has sponsored lunches at Sunnyside Freedom School for several years now. Our UUFWS members and friends have found it to be a fun, worthwhile service to offer our community. We will prepare a green salad, hand held fruit or a cut up fruit salad, and a hot dish Tuesday evenings in the UUFWS kitchen. We will then deliver the food on Wednesday, heat it up and serve the meal to the students.
You can sign up below or if you are interested in this and have questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to Carol Ziel or Don Kautz. All of your costs will be reimbursed by SAC. We have recipe suggestions too!
This will be the 8th year of Sunnyside Freedom School . In that time, incredible gains have been made by the scholars, and the WS Freedom Schools movement. For example, last summer Sunnyside middle school scholars averaged 24 months of Reading Index gains during the six weeks of Freedom School. Great news regarding the success of this program!