What Will 2 Sunday Worship Services Look Like?

We are excited to share that, thanks to your input, we’ll be trying out 2 Sunday morning services from October – January of this congregational year.

We are so grateful to all of you who provided feedback in so many ways. It informed us to go ahead with this idea, and also how to adapt and change preliminary plans to better meet the needs of our community. Whether you are one of the 125 who answered a survey, attended the 2 Services Town Hall in June, or contacted the worship team or staff about feedback, thank you. As we implement and then assess in the winter, we’ll be seeking your input again.

Here’s what 2 services from October – January will look like:

  • 9:00 am & 11:00 am Worship Services
    • Services will be about the same
    • 11:00 am multiplatform worship/Zoom available
    • 9:00 am in-person only
  • Religious Education
    • 9:00 am multi-age & activity-based
    • 11:00 am classes by age & stage
    • 8:50 am – 12:10 pm Nursery
  • 9:30 am Adult Forum – the Forum has been wanting to begin later; this change has been an opportunity to push back their start time.
  • 10:00 am Coffee Hour for all, in between Worship Services

Commonly Asked Questions:

Do we need more volunteers?
Yes! We have been working with Fellowship leadership to determine what each team/group needs to make 2 Sunday services happen. Click here to see where help is needed.

Why one coffee hour?
One of the largest concerns we heard in a move to two services is not enough spaces and opportunities for folks to be together. Teams within Congregational Life and Worship will be supporting this space becoming a place for getting-to-know you or deepening conversations, by providing questions to support and spur conversation.

What about parking?
Yes, having one coffee hour could crowd our parking lot. We’d love for more folks to start attending this new coffee hour, and to have to say, “what a great problem to have” and attend to this parking issue.

What about the choir?
Occasionally, it might be important for the choir to sing at both services, and we’ll find a graceful way for them to exit in the 2nd service so they’re not sitting through the same sermon twice! Other times, a smaller vocal group might offer the selected piece at one service, while the choir sings it at the other.

What about evening services?
We’re working on having 4 season “soulful sundown” services this year as well, where we can experiment more with worship style, and have more culturally-and theologically-specific worship opportunities!

Your Ministry & Staff Team,

Rev. Kayla Parker, Minister
Pam Lepley, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Caron Armstrong, Director of Congregational Life
Mignon Dobbins, Music Director
Lea Lagesse, Congregational Administrator
Libbie Mayr, Communications Specialist