Reflections For September

September Theme: Entering Together


Questions for Contemplation & Conversation:

  • What are you excited about for this year here at UUFWS, and in general?
  • How do you want to be a part of this good stuff?
  • What are you feeling worried or weighed down by? What could help ease that?

September 15: Our UU House

This past Sunday, we set the foundation for our year together. Which will be about defining our theological house, our structure of belief, so that we are empowered to be in real relationship and community with one another. And so that we can powerfully speak of and act from our beliefs out in the world, that is so in need of Love.

To learn more about a source for this theme, you can check out the book A House for Hope – and stay tuned for a book group based on this book soon!

September 8: Water Communion & Homecoming

We celebrated our joining back together and the start of the program year with our Annual Water Communion & Homecoming, followed by a joyous and bountiful potluck. We followed the story and movement of water droplets as they searched for “home” and became stream, river, stream again and then reunited with the sea. Thanks to the preparation and support of the Choir and our Music Director Mignon Dobbins, we sang “Oh River” by Mamuse, and heard “Riversong” by Andy Beck. Some of us became the water droplets and moved joyously around the room, and many of us added our water to the collective and growing “UU (w)holy water”.  Many of us received little spritzer bottles that contained drops of past year’s (w)holy water, which can be used when we need a moment to breathe, a bit extra courage, or a reminder of the presence of this Fellowship.

If you did not receive but would like water and are able to drop by the Fellowship to pick a spritzer bottle up, you are welcome to do so. If you cannot get here, and are connected to someone on our Lay Ministry or Care teams, they can bring you one. If you’re not yet connected but would like to be, you can reach out to them at or