Help Teach a Child to Read: Tutors Are Needed at Easton

One of the ways that UUs can support Easton Elementary school is as reading tutors. Love Literacy is training volunteers to help work one-on-one with students to help improve their reading skills. Currently, only about half of WS/FCS third graders are reading at grade level.

We have a number of UUFWS members who are currently Love Literacy tutors and who know how rewarding and important this work is and how beneficial it is for students who struggle with reading. Some of the current Love Literacy tutors you may know are Geraldine Zurek, Nancy Pajewski, Deb Strube, Bob Day and Kathy Johnson. Please contact one of them If you would like to learn more about the tutoring experience, or contact

The next Love Literacy training will take place on October 1st and October 2nd from 9-3:30 each day. Learn more HERE and register for this training!